Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter with Michelle and Ciara on Monday

Caden is really proud of his new Easter toys. If he points the one a certain way, it flies so high. He had so much fun playing with it. It was safe here and wouldn't go in anyones yard.

Sunday after a delicious meal at Michelles, the kids wanted to run to the school. Carter rode his bike, and Cannon dribbled a basketball, and Caden and I ran. Caden would have kept running, but I was too tired. The sun was shining. Hot dog!!! It really felt good to be outside and do something different. Mike wished he would have brought his kite. From the beach to the school ground.

Mike and the boys started to play PIG, and then Michelle and Tom thought another ball would be nice. So they ran home, and found another basketball. Then the fun started. The whole family was playing PIG, and Mike too.

Sure fun to watch everyone. Some made the basket and some did not.

Everyone watches to see who makes the shot.

This was such a great day. We went to church with Michelle and Tom also. I left Relief Society, and sat with Camilles girls in Sacrament meeting. We sure are proud of all of our grandchildren.

For some reason Caden, Cannon, Carter and Mike thought it would be fun to swing. So up, up they went. They went so high, they almost touched the sky. Isn't there a finger play with that phrase in it.

It was getting late, so we ran back to Michelle and Toms. Well, we walked a little slower going back. The fresh air was great. After we left their home, we ran to get Ciara. We wanted to take her to spend the night with us while Camille and Bruce were on their trip. We would have loved keeping her longer, but she had school.

I asked her to pose for me. You can tell she has Natalies hat and gloves on, and yes a pair of my tall socks just to keep her warm. They came in handy when she laid on the ground to find worms.

Mike was pruning the apple trees. She would pick up all that he pruned and take them to the burn pile. She really wanted to burn them, and roast marshmellows, but it was too windy. Mike did take us to Wendys for Hamburgers and fries. That is always fun to go with Grandpa after working hard outside. She found some deer droppings. She told me to tell Mike that she found some "deer poop". She called him Mike and not Grandpa.

Mike took Ciara outside and she helped him dig a hole for the sprinkler. She found worms and wanted to play with them. She didn't even mind getting dirty. She would lay down on the dirt and tell Mike it was easier if he would just lay down like she was.

Our new back deck. Wish it were warm enough to use. It will be fun this summer.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend in Yellowstone

On Saturday morning, the sun was shining so bright. Around 10:00 we thought how much fun it would be to go to check on the cabin. We had not been since we had been home from California. We called Mom to see if she would like a ride to Island Park. We picked her up at 11:00. Rob was working in the yard picking up more pieces of the side walk in the back yard. They have the sprinklers in the yard now. Thanks Rob for working so hard. As we left the house, we stopped and got a 44 oz. mug. Ahh, good stuff.

It was so much fun seeing all of the snow that had been piled up. Just couldn't believe how much had fallen all winter. The people there had taken good care of the roads. But there were tunnels everywhere from the piled up snow. Just had to get pictures of the piles. Don't know if it will ever melt.

It was so much fun to have Mom here with us. She has on her new levi's that she bought with Pam and Stephanie in Salt Lake. Such cute pants Mom. They look so comfortable.

This picture is taken from the back of the deck. We took others, but it was too dark to see. I don't know if my flash works or not. It was great showing Mom the inside of our cabin. Everything was in place and very peaceful. Mike said that it was 34 degrees inside. Can't wait to be able to use it.

This is from the cabin looking down our driveway. After leaving the cabin, we drove to Subway and had a great sandwich. Such a beautiful day. Our first one. I could say it has been a long winter, but then that would sound funny because we have only been home a month. We tried to drive into Mom's cabin, but the road had a lot of snow and mud. It would have been better if we could have taken the truck. But the car would have been stuck.

We drove into Old Faithful. We saw so many buffalo along the way. Not as many calves as we thought there would be. Not a lot of snow in the park. Atleast the part that we drove through. The poor buffalo woud just walk slow down the road. We wish they could talk and they would tell us that they had a really hard winter and how many of there friends were lost by the wolves. So glad we are not buffalo. We took these pictures by the new information center. Then we hurried over to check Old Faithful. It was just going off. We could see it through the trees. Here if we had not been taking the pictures, we could have been in time to see one of the "seven wonders of the world." But Mom said she had seen it before, so guess it was OK.

The sidewalks were so dry. We sure did enjoy just walking around to see the information center. I think they opened it late last fall. Mike and I had been there to see a movie. So we took Mom in and caught the last of a movie.

Mom is standing directly infront of the big window. You stand inside with a direct view of Old Faithful, and not even have to go outside. You would think they planned it that way.

Mom took our pictures in front of the snow on the side of the information center. Don't know if it will be melted anytime soon. Thanks for taking our pictures, Mom.

We wanted our pictures taken infront of the visitors sign. We were going to get it in front of the Old Faithful sign, but hated to walk back that far. We can save that for another trip with less snow.

As we were leaving Old Faithful we noticed a few cars on the side of the road. They were watching this Grizzly Bear playing in the snow. We watched for about fifteen minutes. Mom could even see him rolling on his back with his paws up in the air. This is quite a sight. We have only seen one bear in all the times we have been there in the past few years.

This buffalo was poking his head over the snow drift to look at the cars. There were so many buffalo here. His hair was blowing in the breeze. Mom loved looking at the tuft of hair. This picture is for Mom. We had such a great day. We really did a lot of things in an afternoon. On the way home Mike asked if we would like to stop at Big Judds. Well, Mom had been there the night before with Pam and Rodney. They were celebrating Kim's birthday. It sounded so good, so we stopped. We bought the big hamburger, fries and a drink. We divided it into fourths. It was delicious. Don't think it is as good as "In and Out", but a close second. We had a great trip. We dropped Mom off, Mike borrowed a few war movies, and Mom and I found the cat. He looks so different with his lion hair-cut. I will have to get a picture and post it soon. Great trip to be with someone you love.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bear World with Caden, Mak and Emmett

Spring is coming. Whitney called and invited us to Bear World. She would be picking up Caden and meeting us at our home. How excited were we!!! We went last year with Michael and David's families. We had never been before, and now to be able to go twice.

They had unlimited rides for the kids. Emmett was brave enough to go by himself. Whitney went a few times with him, just so he wouldn't fall out. Emmett did it on his own. Caden, acted like big brother and showed the boys a great time.

This is so much fun. The weather was partly sunny, and then rained buckets full. Mak saw that some of the kids could ride up front and ring the bell. So that was his next place to sit.

During the rain storm, Mike took us out to Craigo's for pizza. Oh, that was so good. I think the kids loved the dessert pizza the best. Yes, they were right, I did too. Well, Idaho weather is "wait a few minutes and it will change." It did, so we went back to Bear World to finish our play time. The bears had been in their caves, and now came out to walk around. We even watched a grizzly take a bath in one of the streams. This is so great to have in our backyard.

Yes, this is a stuffed bear. So cute of Mak, Emmett and Caden. We are just coming in from having our good pizza meal.

These boys are next on the cars. Not many in line so they had all the rides they wanted.

Caden liked getting in this and turning it around. Mak didn't like going around in circles like Caden did.

Whitney is so good to take all the boys to play. Great cousin time also. Thanks, Whitney.

I told the boys that this deer is like the ones we have at our home. Yes, we would love to pet our deer but they just look at us and run away. They are so pretty to watch. I was glad the boys could see the deer close and know they are like Grandpa's deer.

This is a close up picture of the baby cub. Emmett could touch him. They had six bear cubs that we could see. They took them away from their mothers at birth. That is so sad. They walked around the pen and cried. Mak knew they were crying because they wanted their moms. He was right.

We can't go to Grandpa's house without jumping on the trampoline. I loved watching the little boys as they took turns on each side. Emmett and Mak love to jump. You can tell they have been jumping on their trampoline. This trampoline is as old as Melissa. Not that she is old, but we bought it after the flood and she was a baby, 1976. Our family loved it when they were little and now what a neat thing to have our little grandchildren love it, too. Although, when our kids come home, a jump on the trampoline solves all problems in life.

Good boy, Emmett. You can jump so high, and then do "bums". Life is good.

Thanks for taking turns Caden with Mak and Emmett. They loved being outside. We didn't want to play too long as it looked like it would rain. We wanted to be at Bear World as long as we could. We have to get our money's worth. It will be so nice when it gets warmer. Thanks for inviting us Whitney. We had a great time with you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Break with Camille and Michelle's Families...

Don't know why but these pictures did not get into my last post. I probably deleted them by accident. So here are some more cute pictures of Melissa boys. Who could not post these cute pictures. Sure had a great time seeing them. This is Friday, and the next day there was snow on the ground. Where is California. I miss you!!!!!

He is so good to keep his helmet on to ride his scooter. Isn't this a priceless picture. We just get to know him, and then we have to leave. He knows Grandpa really well and will ask for him. Then Mike will tease and try to tickle him. Trey will run away. Infact, Mike teases all the boys and his favorite thing is telling them scarey stories at night before they go to bed. Melissa just tells him that he will have to sleep with them if they wake up scared. Yeah, right.

After getting ready to meet Michelle and Camille at the Aquatic Center, they called us and said they changed their minds and decided to go to the Ameritel and play for the day and night. Wow, I love my girls for making a fun spring break for their families. So we just had to get a few more things and we were off for fun and frolic at the hotel and I was able to go too.

The hot-tub felt so good after our brisk walk in the Drybed. The kids love playing together and Ciara just hangs out with everyone. She never falls in, but we still watch occassionally. Thanks Caden and Alexis for the yummy breakfast.

That is a handful that you are holding boys. How lucky are you Dakota to have the attention of both Carter and Cannon at the same time. We had the pool all to ourselves. Life is so good, kids. Enjoy your fun life!!!!!!!

Camille got in for the evening swim. The hot tub was great, but the pool was really cold. Michelle and Camille brought every kind of treats and drinks for the kids to eat. You would think we would be staying a week. They also put out hot cookies at the hotel at 5:00. They smelled so good.

Camille and Michelle left the hotel to fix our dinner. They had already started fixing dinner earlier before they decided to go to the hotel. So Michelle brought back chicken feticcini and rolls, and Camille brought back a pasta, pepperoni dish that we all have the recipe for from Michelle. They brought back P-nut butter brownies and lots of drinks and snacks. These girls go all out. I am so glad they invited me. I called Mike and asked him to come and play with us.

Isn't this a fun group. I think my flash was on. Love these little kids. I was in the pool when Brooklyn and her friend came. I didn't get a picture of her. Darn and you are so pretty too Brooklyn. I didn't get a picture of Tom and Michelle either. Someone has to get pictures while I am playing. You know I am blogging, don't you.

She has watched her sisters pose for the camera. I just had to put this in. What a cutie, Ciara.

You look so cute girls. Thanks for the fun day and all that you do to make things great for your families.

These strong boys holding Caden and Alexis up. Those kids were so wet. It was funny to see the kids in the evening playing with the Ipod, and DSI and all the electronics. What a different generation we are in. I had a great picture of Ciara borrowing someones DSI. She was so intent with it. We checked out of the hotel at 12:00. Camille took her girls to Salt Lake to shop for the rest of the week, and Michelle's boys were able to go skiing. What lucky families.

We loved walking together and just talked. We have such good grandchildren. Oh yes, they really ham it up for the camera. I think it is GQ. Michelle called while we were walking and invited us to go swimming at the Aquatic Center in Idaho Falls. So now we have to hurry because it closes at 3:30. We were just enjoying a slow morning and I was not ready.

Alexis and Caden fixed a great breakfast for us. Pancakes and eggs were just wonderful. After cleaning up, we went for a walk in the Drybed. You can see how much ice and snow are still there. It was so cold, but so many memories of taking you kids during conference weekend.

We were able to watch conference on Saturday and Sunday. Michelle and Tom invited us to dinner after conference on Sunday. Camille's family came also. Michelle had a great dinner for all of us. After we ate, Alexis and Caden wanted to spend the night. So fun to bring them home with us. I just tried to drag these pictures to the top, so you could read how things went during the weekend. I lost a cute picture of Alexis. So I stopped. The kids came to our home first and then we went to the hotel. Sorry, I will try to do better or try to learn how to drag without losing the pictures.