Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saying Good-Bye

This is such a beautiful place at the Promonade Mall. Natalie and I would walk through this entry, smell PF Changs, listen to the music, feel the sunshine on our faces. and think this has to be the greatest place. You know I am going to miss all of this don't you. This is where I would stop and visit with you kids when you would call on the phone. Just had to get a picture of it. And oh, yes, I will miss our visits to Vic Secrets.

Mike would drop us off and then drive to Sports Authority. So we both had a great out and doing our own thing. Then, there was always lunch to enjoy.

We called Mike to come out of our balcony to wave at us. He was packing some of his things and getting them ready for the move. Natalie and I just wanted to enjoy the day a little longer. We had to check out at 5:00. So, we thought we could sit around the pool and then she would help me clean at 4:00. Our place was pretty dirty as I hadn't cleaned much at all.

We did enjoy the sunshine. This is the life and we are certainly going to miss it.

Natalie, we will miss you coming to lunches each day, and getting ready to play. We have really enjoyed being here with you and Gavin. Thanks for the memories.

We spent the last night with Natalie and Gavin. Mike took us out to our favorite chinese seafood buffet. David and Whitney went there also. We ate great sushi, and wonderful chinese food. Mike and I over-ate there many times and wish we hadn't. Well Natalie and Gavin enjoyed it also. They could see why we went there so often.

Natalie is holding up an octapus. The weird things she can eat. She and Gavin ate with chopsticks. Mike and I had trouble just using forks. The next morning, Natalie and I went to Henrys Market to buy strawberries and pineapple to take home. They were so ripe and sweet. We packed our car and truck up and we were off. Good-by is always a hard word to say. So we really don't say it. But just see you later. Call us. Mike and I had lunch at the In and Out at Barstow. Then we drove to Mesquite. We called each other quite often, but I kept directly behind him. Yes Mike, I will follow you everywhere.

The next day, we were able to stop and see Melissa, Troy and the little boys. They are certainly growing so fast. I didn't get my camera out until the next day as we were leaving. So I missed Troy cleaning up his motor-cycle. The boys were out helping him and getting wet with the hose. I should have had my camera. I did make fruit pizza with the strawberries and pineapple, though. But the pictures would have been better. Sorry. It is amazing how much Trey thinks he is as big as his big brothers and wants to do things just like they do.

We picked Boston up from school and then went to the castle park. The sun was shining and a beautiful day. Little did they know that it would snow over the weekend. I loved this picture with Melissa and her little boys. She sure does a great job with her little family. At night we heard them reading scriptures, and then Troy told the kids bedtime stories. Wonderful for Mike and I to be here with them. Proud of our family.

Boston had a ball playing in the castle park and doing tricks. Melissa and I were swinging with Nixon and Trey. So nice for us to be able to play with the boys before we had to go home. Morgan was at school, and I didn't get a picture of him. Mike loves tickling the boys and telling them scarey stories. But the evening went so fast. Sure enjoyed being with them.

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