Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brooklyn Graduated from Hillcrest!!!

This is such a cute picture of Dakota, Brooklyn and Tinisha. Bet Camille wonders where those years went. Such beautiful girls. So proud of all three. Alexis stayed home to watch Ciara. She is so good to help Camille. Thanks Alexis, Camille really owes you now.

What a wonderful event for us to attend. Brooklyn graduated from High school. She has worked really hard this past year and has been so active in getting her Senior projects finished. She has been in two pageants this year. One being Miss Hillcrest and the other being Miss Rexburg. She has also had a part-time job at Great Harvest. Camille helped her fix up the Domestic Violence Center by painting and decorating the bathroom. She knows how important it is to have a pretty bathroom to get ready in the morning. She participated in track events until her knees became too sore. But Camille and Brooklyn went to Florida to be in the track activities at Disneyworld in February.

Brooklyn looked up and waved at us when she heard Camille and Bruce yell her name. She is so excited. She had her hat decorated with her name in glitter. Brooklyn is planning to attend college in Logan, University of Utah.

You sure do look beautiful Brooklyn. It is so nice that of all the things you have to worry about, beauty is not one of them. So check that off your list. DO NOT WORRY, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. (check}

Brooklyn liked this picture the best. We are really proud of her. Tinisha was able to get off work to come to the graduation. But she did work on a paper during the talks. It is called multitasking. That is what you have to do sometimes.

This is another very proud moment for Bruce. We know he will be excited that Brooklyn will be attending college. You have been a great support to your family and always there to help them accomplish all that they want. You have been good to show them how to work, study and ofcourse play. At a very young age your girls have been doing sports, water activities, even when it means getting them wet by throwing them in the lake. I remember you would say,"what is the worse thing that could happen to you". They are very athletic, very well rounded and you have been very supportive of "cheerleaders" and "pageants". Thanks for being a great dad.

Mike and I were able to have Dakota take our picture with Brooklyn. We so love all of our grandchildren and all of the things they are able to do. Although it is very hard to watch them grow up so fast. They are certainly a blessing in our lives.

Don't know where Tinisha was. I think Mike was hoping all of the girls were there, but how good to have Camille, Dakota and Brooklyn. Thanks Dakota for smiling. You know this is for my blog don't you.

The girls took this picture while we were waiting for the graduates. It is always fun to sit with Camilles family and catch up. So proud of you Brooklyn and all of your accomplishments. We all support and love you.

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